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The respect

Cartel against littering in school areas.

I decided to use a strong and youthful element, with whitch the teens are very familiar of, the mobile phone infact had the power to attract the guys to come closer and read the sign.
I built a broken and messy cell phone beacause I wanted to made a comparison between the school area and the mobile phone.
This is an object that young people care about a lot, so the message is: keep the school area tidy as if it were your telephone.

This is a CSIA school project.

Translation of the sign


from: The respect

Keep this school area tidy as if it were your phone... and this is not your phone.


Wake up!

It's time to leave, in the evening access to the school area is prohibited


look at the school regulations.

The respect, cartel/sign littering, Lisa Albizzati
The respect, cartel/sign littering, Lisa Albizzati

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